Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Patriarchal Blessings and the Doctrine & Covenants

 The Doctrine and Covenants shares many characteristics with patriarchal blessings. A patriarchal blessing is a special blessing given to an individual, in which God shares specific insight and guidance to its recipient. The Doctrine and Covenants on the other hand is a book of scripture, comprised of revelations given to the prophet Joseph Smith during the early years of the church. On deeper thought however, the Doctrine and Covenants could be viewed as a compilation of patriarchal blessings. This comparison can be made because like patriarchal blessings, the sections of the Doctrine and Covenants are the written-down revelations directly from Heavenly Father. They are evidence of the fact that God loves his children and continues ti guide and speak to them in modern times. The revelations of the Doctrine and Covenants  hold information pertinent to the church for the time in which they were given, just as out patriarchal blessings possess counsel from Heavenly Father that is directly relevant to our lives today.
Another important characteristic that these two things share is that they are in all actuality scripture. As scripture, they both should be carefully studied frequently and prayerfully. They both possess important guidance and commandments that if followed, will lead an individual towards salvation and exaltation. One difference, however, is that while some of its revelations are given to specific individuals, the Doctrine and Covenants is, as its title suggests, doctrine for the entire church. Accordingly, it is widely distributed and shared and studied in public settings. Patriarchal blessings, on the other hand, are immensely personal. So personal in fact, that they declare the recipient's direct lineage from the house of Israel. The commandments and blessings it holds are specifically and exclusively directed towards the individual it was given to. They are so sacred and personal that they are not to be shared with others, except for on specific occasions when its owner is prompted to share certain sections of it with close loved ones.
One aspect that patriarchal blessings and the Doctrine and Covenants share is that they are both given through the means of divinely inspired and ordained men. The revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants were given to the prophet Joseph Smith. In accordance with his calling as prophet and president of the church, he was able to receive and record the will of Heavenly Father for his church and its members. A patriarchal blessing is also given through ordained men. These men hold the sacred calling of patriarch, and are able to receive revelation from God about a specific individual while giving a blessing. 

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